About the Journal

The Journal of Critical Digital Librarianship publishes and builds community around cultural heritage digital library work, especially work that integrates feminist, anti-racist, anti-colonial, queer, and anti-ableist frameworks. We are interested in critical approaches to topics such as: 

  • Selection for digitization
  • Metadata remediation
  • Digital scholarship
  • Collections as data
  • Teaching with digital collections
  • Digital library technology

Open Peer Review Process

Because we believe critical approaches to digital librarianship require community-building among practitioners and scholars, the JCDL will operate under an open peer review model. Our open review process for relevant submissions is as follows:

  1. If a submitted manuscript is in scope, editor seeks and assigns 2-3 reviewers from the Review Team
  2. Editor sends email introducing author(s) and reviewers
  3. Reviewers use a form within Online Journal Systems to record feedback; form responses are shared with editor
  4. Based on reviewer feedback, editor determines next steps for the manuscript and notifies author
  5. If relevant, author(s) and reviewers meet virtually to discuss potential revisions
  6. If relevant, author submits a revised draft
  7. Commence second round of review (repeat steps 3-5)
  8. If relevant, author submits a final draft 
  9. Editor, in conversation with reviewers, makes final decision about inclusion in JCDL
  10. If manuscript is accepted, it moves to final copy editing and typesetting
  11. Article is published as soon as it is ready and is included in next issue of JCDL